It is that odd time of year again when the excitement of summer is dwindling, and reality of life is beginning to hit again. It is about a month till I go back to Sheffield; back to living with my lovely friends, and back to working hard. The goal is a degree at the end of this year, if I could get a 2.1, that would be delightful. But before I think of the result, the reality of how hard third year is going to be is starting to hit...and I thought second year was draining.
But for now, summer continues, my job on the bar at Nottingham Forest is going well, and it is nice to finally be earning a bit of money. I have seen so much of my lovely friends at home, which has been amazing, and even though it can be challenging sometimes, it has been lovely to come back to home comforts, with my mum's cooking and my dad's funny ways (they do have other talents). I have also seen my beautiful sister quite a few times, and even went to the Olympics in London, which was amazing!
Here are a few pictures from things that I've done lately. Again, they will be mismatched as I am useless at keeping this updated on a regular basis.
Thank you for reading! Amarni
My day at the Olympics with my family started off wet and horrible, while we watched the women's Marathon, however, the atmosphere was still electric. But later that day, the rain stopped, the sun came out, and it was boiling! We went to Hyde park to 'London LIVE' which was set out like a festival, and there we sat on a picnic blanket surrounded by happy people, with drinks and Mr. Whippy's watching the Olympics, amazing!
Random stuff
Went to Danny's hot tub party in his incredible garden. It felt like we were in America, with his huge bar outside, hot tub, fairylights, numerous swing seats, a trampoline, and lots of grass and seating areas. Again, amazing. |
Drinks with the girls- we have done this A LOT this summer, but this is just one pictures Tunney took the other day with her new Iphone, of me and Kayleigh. |
Goodbye best friend
Sooo, my best friend in the world, Evie, is off to Turkey in less than a month now, and she had a leaving party to say goodbye/21st birthday party. Her birthday isn't until November, but she won't be coming home for it, so this was our chance to celebrate! GOODBYE BEAUTIFUL.
My other friend Danielle is also sadly leaving us to start her new life in Holland (Amsterdam). She is off to Uni there, so will be gone for three years, but she assures me she will be back soon. She went yesterday, and it was horrible saying goodbye. She also had a leaving party, however I didn't get any pictures, but you're probably relieved as there is already far too many on this post aha!
Adios amigos.