Monday, 13 June 2011

Birthday, you're not 19 forever

Well, Friday was my birthday and I have had such a busy weekend, hence the lack of blog updating.

Friday was a lovely relaxed day, me and Josh went in to town and met my best friend Evie who had come back from Leeds with her uni friends Rose and Katie. We went to Lee Rosy's for a drink and a natter and it was so lovely to see my bestest again. Her friends were lovely too. We then went shopping and handed out a few CVs on our way. I ended up buying a lovely dress and playsuit with some birthday money I got! We then headed back to mine and we were greeted by my mum and dad who had my presents laid out on the table in the living room. I opened all my presents and was so so happy with every single one! Over the course of the weekend I got:
  • A shirt/blouse I had wanted for so long from American Apparel 
  • Another button up no sleeve top with flowers on
  • These amazing shoes i wanted for ages
  • Lip gloss
  • Pyjamas 
  • A necklace
  • A bracelet and ring
  • A trip to London Zoo
  • A picture frame with nice photos in
  • £65 worth of topshop vouchers 
  • A scarf 
  • Brogues 
  • A bag
  • Money
I think that is everything! Basically, I couldn't have wanted any more and was so so happy!

Later that evening on the Friday, me, Josh, mum and dad, tabba and chris and my Nanny and Robert went for cocktails and then out for a meal at Zizzi's! It was amazing and I had such a lovely day.

On Saturday, we all woke up very early to begin making the 'nibbles', which turned out to be an amazing spread (when my mum is around there is always amazing cooking involved). Aimee then arrived all the way from Wolverhampton and it was so lovely to see her! The sun was glorious (for a change) and everything went perfectly. Everyone turned up and had fun. We all started drinking at 3:30pm sharp haha and went out at about 8pm to M.E.T.H.O.D. I don't remember much after the point of getting on the bus, but I know I had an amazing night and literally couldn't stop dancing and jumping around. 

I want to thank everyone who made my birthday so special and I am so glad that everything seems to be going pretty well for me, my family and my friends at the moment. 

Here are just a few pictures from the weekend:

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