Happy Easter everyone, I have had such a lovely and relaxing day, it has been amazing. I woke up naturally at about half nine this morning, which is a miracle, and went in my parents room to find two beautiful bags with presents inside. I got some amazing little Easter themed decorations from my Parents and Grandma, and I have taken photos of them all to show you as they are pretty tricky to explain. I know it's weird that I don't get loads of Easter eggs and spend the day gorging on chocolate, but to be honest I have never really liked them that much. I am much for of a savory kind of girl, and when I was little I used to be so grateful for all the eggs I got, but could never eat them, so I'd hide them under my cabin bed until my mum eventually dug them out, and said she would stop buying me them and get me a few little presents instead, and that's how it has stayed.
Today was spent me with parents relaxing, doing odd jobs around the house, cooking dinner, eating dinner, watching films on TV, and one on my laptop, Happy Feat, Mary Poppins, Toy story, then Bridesmaids, and I even managed to get some work done while chilling watching the films, my day couldn't have been more perfect!
My little Sadie was not excited about Easter, she just lay around looking cute as per |
Those Easter decorations are so cute.